

Stuffed tomatoes

Cook & Prep Time

40 min



Stuffed tomatoes

A delicious vegetable dish to serve with simply grilled meat or fish or as a light starter.


  • 400g canned organic whole peeled tomatoes, take out, place on kitchen paper; salt them lightly to remove any excess water,
  • a small bunch of parsley
  • 300g stale bread, remove the crusts
  • 4 oz grated parmesan
  • ½ cup vegetable stock
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • extra virgin olive oil, as needed
  • basil leaves, as needed for garnish


Step 1

Place the stale bread into a food mixer. Add the parsley, finely chopped garlic, grated parmesan, and any remaining pieces of tomatoes from the can. Season with salt, pepper, and olive oil.

Step 2

Fill the organic tomatoes with the mixture and sprinkle some parmesan on top and a drizzle of the extra virgin olive oil.

Step 3

Preheat oven to 170°C. Line an ovenproof dish with baking paper. Place stuffed tomatoes on the ovenproof dish and add vegetable stock to the bottom. Seal with aluminium foil. Bake the stuffed tomatoes for 30 min.

Step 4

Remove the foil and change the oven to a grill function to brown the top of the stuffed tomatoes.

Garnish with a few fresh basil leaves. Serve warm.