

Beef and bean stew

Cook & Prep Time

1 h 30 min



Beef and bean stew

This is so versatile – serve as a pasta sauce or a stew with toasted sourdough bread for a one course meal with a crisp green or mixed-leaf salad!


  • 500g minced lean beef
  • 300g canned mixed beans
  • 400g canned organic whole peeled tomatoes, drained from the can
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • salt


Step 1

Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a deep non-stick casserole dish. When the oil is sizzling, add the ground beef and sauté, stirring often.

Step 2

When the beef is browned, add the chopped onion and sauté.

Step 3

Add the organic tomatoes, the canned beans, two tablespoons of the bean water and a little salt. Crush the tomatoes with a fork, mix carefully and cook over a medium heat for about 40 minutes, stirring every so often.

Step 4

When the stew has reduced to a thick sauce, take it off the heat; use as a pasta sauce or serve with toasted sourdough bread.